Tag: nigerian white soup

Spicy and hot yam pepper soup (ji mmiri oku)

Yam pepper soup (ji mmiri oku)

Yam pepper soup (Ji mmiri oku) is pepper soup with yam added to it. Among the Igbos of eastern Nigeria, this is the first dish given to a woman immediately after childbirth and is mostly prepared by her mother who comes to take care of her for the first month […]

Nsala Soup

Nsala soup, ofe nsala, white soup

Nsala soup, Ofe Nsala, White Soup is basically thickened pepper soup. That thickener blends and binds the flavours of the ingredients so well, that it takes the soup from the ordinary to the extraordinary… talk about synergy. Nsala soup should not be eaten with any utensils, just use your fingers for […]