Tag: sesame seed

toast sesame seed

How to toast Sesame seed (Ridi, Benne seed)

To toast sesame seed is one of the easiest things to do and it gives the seed a pleasant nutty flavour. Sesame seed is a nutrient-rich seed with many health benefits. It is high in protein and good for digestion. Sesame seed has so many culinary uses, it is used […]

Rich and Nutty Sesame seed muffins, Ridi muffins

Sesame seed Muffins, Ridi Muffins

Sesame seed muffins, Ridi muffins are rich and nutty, very simple and easy to make. They are a play on sweet and savoury. These muffins went down well with both adults and children. In fact, the kids gobbled them up and went for seconds and thirds. I could only save […]