Month: April 2017

soft, tender and supple Easy pie dough

Easy Pie Dough, Shortcrust Pastry

This easy pie dough recipe is a basic shortcrust pastry, it is one of the easiest pastries to make. The shortcrust pastry is simply made with flour, fat and water, a very important pastry because its usage is far-reaching. It is suitable for most Nigerian pastries because it is soft […]

Fresh, light and healthy Nigerian boiled tomato stew

Nigerian Boiled Tomato Stew

Boiled tomato stew is light and fresh tasting. Most Nigerians like their stew fried, it is what we know and it is what we are used to. Sometimes I believe our palate has genetically adapted to the Nigerian fried tomato stew with the trio of peppers used in the tomato […]