Tag: nigerian pudding

Soft, healthy, vibrant and delicious Okpa


Okpa is the Igbo word for Bambara groundnut, in Hausa language, it is Gurjiya or kwaruru. Okpa is also the name of a boiled pudding made from this nut. It is a street food very common in the eastern part of Nigeria, though other metropolitan cities are catching up very fast. […]

soft, sweet and savory ukpo ogede-nigerian plantain pudding

Ukpo Ogede-Nigerian Plantain pudding

I don’t like waste, so any time I can salvage something meant for the bin, I embrace it with joy. Ukpo Ogede-Nigerian plantain pudding is a pudding made from overripe plantains. The plantain should not be rotten just overripe. My love for this sweet-savoury pudding started when I was preggie […]