To toast sesame seed is one of the easiest things to do and it gives the seed a pleasant nutty flavour. Sesame seed is a nutrient-rich seed with many health benefits. It is high in protein and good for digestion.
Sesame seed has so many culinary uses, it is used in snacks, soups, dips, confectionery, condiments, oil etc. In Nigeria, where it is produced in large quantities, sesame seed is called ridi or benne seed and is used in soup and candy. The oil is very popular in Asia both for cooking and in alternative medicine. It is also used in cosmetics and western medicine.
There are many colours of the sesame seed with black and white being the most common. You can buy both hulled and unhulled sesame seeds, the hull is the seed coat. Both can be toasted but the unhulled sesame seed will be firmer and have a slightly bitter taste.
Toasting sesame seed gives it a light golden colour, nutty flavour and slightly sweet aroma. Toasting can be done on the stovetop/cooker, in the oven and microwave oven. Wash your sesame seed thoroughly especially locally bought sesame seed or seed coming straight from the farm.
To toast sesame seed on the stovetop
Dehulled sesame seeds Dry frying pan Spoon for stirring
Pour sesame seeds into a bowl of water.
Stir around and gently pour out dirt and bits that rise to the top of the water. The sand and stones will settle at the bottom.
Scoop out your seeds into a sieve, avoiding the bottom.
You will need to do this several times until the water runs clean and there is no more sand at the bottom.
Pour wet sesame seeds into the dry frying pan and set over medium heat.
Stir constantly until the seeds are dry.
Reduce the heat and keep stirring until you smell the aroma of the seeds and the seeds occasionally pop and jump from the pan. There will not be that much of a colour change.
Your sesame seeds are toasted.
Spread out on a tray or baking sheet to cool completely.
Store in the refrigerator to prolong shelf life and preserve flavour.
To toast sesame seed in the oven
Preheat oven to 180 deg. C.
Spread washed sesame seeds on a dry baking sheet.
Toast stirring from time to time until you smell the aroma of the seeds. There will not be that much of a colour change.
Your sesame seeds are toasted.
Spread out on a tray or a cool baking sheet to cool completely.
I used toasted sesame seeds for my delicious Esa soup (Sesame seed soup).
- The smell is a better indicator of its being toasted rather than the colour.
- Sesame seed burns very easily so be patient while toasting over medium-low heat do not be tempted to crank up the heat too high especially when the seeds are dry.

Toast sesame seed on the stovetop
- Dehulled sesame seeds
- Dry frying pan
- Spoon for stirring
To toast sesame seed on the stove top
- Pour sesame seeds into a bowl of water.
- Stir around and gently pour out dirt and bits that rise to the top of the water. The sand and stones will settle at the bottom.
- Scoop out your seeds into a sieve, avoiding the bottom.
- You will need to do this several times until the water runs clean and there is no more sand at the bottom.
- Pour wet sesame seeds into the dry frying pan and set over medium heat.
- Stir constantly until the seeds are dry.
- Reduce the heat and keep stirring until you smell the aroma of the seeds and the seeds occasionally pop and jump from the pan. There will not be that much of a colour change.
- Your sesame seeds are toasted.
- Spread out on a tray or baking sheet to cool completely.
- Store in the refrigerator to prolong shelf life and preserve flavour.
To toast sesame seed in the oven
- Preheat oven to 180 deg. C.
- Spread washed sesame seeds on a dry baking sheet.
- Toast stirring from time to time until you smell the aroma of the seeds. There will not be that much of a colour change.
- Your sesame seeds are toasted.
- Spread out on a tray or a cool baking sheet to cool completely.
- The smell is a better indicator of its being toasted rather than the colour.
- Sesame seed burns very easily so be patient while toasting over medium-low heat do not be tempted to crank up the heat too high especially when the seeds are dry.
- I used toasted sesame seeds for my delicious Esa soup (Sesame seed soup).
Also learn How to remove gas from beans, How to make breadcrumbs, How to make buttermilk and How to blanch vegetables.
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